Person-Centered & Experiential Psychotherapies North America
WAPCEPC 2016 NYC Community Encounter
Hello Friends,
PC&E (Person Centred and Experiential) North America is a new regional chapter of the WAPCEPC (World Association for Person centered and Experiential Psychotherapy and Counseling The mission of PC&E North America is to promote person-centered and experiential psychotherapy and counseling approaches within North America.
All North American countries, dependencies, and territories are embraced in this organization.
For more information please email:
or call: +1 212 989 6086
Sarton Weinraub
We invite PC&E North America members to visit the PCE 2022 | Copenhagen conference site or PCE 2022 conference flyer.
This year’s conference theme is titled:
How Can I be of Help? – Formulating and Facilitating Change Together.
The theme is inspired by the simple, yet fundamental question which Carl Rogers asked himself: “How can I be of help?” It is a question we think is of interest for person centered and experiential (PCE) practitioners and researchers, as well as more broadly in the world of psychotherapy. A question we find it worthwhile revisiting in order to explore what answers may be found today.